Mubtilat of Salat
From the time one says the Takbiratul Ihram and starts his Salat, until the end of the Salat, many actions become Haram for him, and if any of these are performed during the Salat, then the Salat will become void. For example:
• Speaking
• Laughing
• Crying
• Turning away from the Qiblah
• Eating and Drinking
• Breaking the form of the Salat
• Adding or taking away anything from the Arkaan of Salat.
The Rules of the Mubtilat of Salat
- If the person who is praying intentionally says a word, even as much as a word that is only one letter, whether or not this word has a meaning, the Salat will become void.
- If out of forgetfulness, the person praying says something because he did not realize that he is in the state of Salat, then his prayer will not become void.
- Coughing and sneezing does not invalidate the Salat.
- During the Salat, one must not greet another person; but if someone else says Salam to the one praying, then it is Wajib to reply the Salam, and the reply must be the same as the Salam that was originally given. For example, if it is said: “Salam Alaikum” the reply too must be “Salam Alaikum” but the reply to “As – Salam Alaikum” must be given as “Salam Alaikum”
- If the person praying Salat intentionally laughs out loud, then his Salat will become void, and in the event that he unintentionally laughs out loud in a way that the form of the Salat is broken, his Salat (too) will be void.
- Smiling does not make invalidate the Salat.
Turning away from the Qiblah
- If one intentionally turns away a little bit from the Qiblah such that it would not be said one is facing the Qiblah, then the Salat will become void.
- If the face is turned to the right of the Qiblah or to the left of the Qiblah, either intentionally or unintentionally, then the Salat will still be correct, although this action is discouraged.
Eating and Drinking
- If the person praying, eats or drinks something in the amount that it would be said that he is not reciting Salat, then the Salat will become void.
- If the person praying intentionally eats or drinks something, even if it does not break the form of the Salat, then according to Ihtiyat Wajib, the Salat will become void.
Changing the form of the Salat
- If during the Salat, an action is performed that changes the form of the Salat; for example clapping, jumping up in the air, or things like this, even if they are done out of forgetfulness, the Salat will become void.
- If during the Salat one remains silent in such an amount that it would not be said one is praying, the Salat will become void.
- Turning away from the Wajib Salat (breaking the Salat) without a good reason, is Haram, except in a state of helplessness, such as in the following cases:
• To protect one’s life.
• To protect one’s property.
• To prevent injury to one’s property or body.
4. It is permissible to break the Salat to pay back a loan of a person, in the following conditions:
• While in the state of Salat, one is not able to pay back the loan.
• The person who gave you the loan is requesting the loan back.
• The time for Salat remains, meaning that once the loan is paid back, there is still enough time left to recite the Salat.
5. It is Haram to break the Salat to protect property that is not important.
6. The following things are Makruh during Salat:
- Closing the eyes.
- Playing with the fingers and hands.
- Going silent while reciting al – Fatiha or the other Surah or Dhikr, to listen to other conversations.
- Any action which breaks the attention or concentration.
- Turning the face to the right or the left a small amount. (If it is moved a large amount, then the Salat will become void.)